Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

The media has been all over this election for the past couple of months. While journalists might not have come right out and said it, Obama was definitely made out to be a favorite for this election. Because of the way the election has been covered thus far, the election coverage tonight surprised me somewhat.

News reporters were hesitant (from what I saw) to call the election too early. I kept hearing the phrases like, "It's to early to call," throughout the night. I even heard this referring to some states, which quite frankly, were fit to be claimed by Obama. However, the media seemed to be cautious in stating who would win the election before it actually happened, which was a smart move.

Although, I didn't realize that the election was very close at all until they showed the popular vote at the end. Obama won by a landslide with the electoral votes. Even though it was evident that Obama would win overall by the electoral votes, I think the media did a good job of illustrating and informing the public that the election was closer than most people thought it would be. Kudos to the media.

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