Thursday, October 30, 2008

Media Coverage of the Election

The media is generally thought of as being liberally biased. In my opinion, the coverage of this presidential election is perfect evidence of that.

Much negative attention has been brought to McCain and Palin's campaigns. The press has criticized McCain for many things, including cancelling his appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman to focus attention of the financial crisis, and all of his negative campaigning leading up to the election. Palin has also been nailed by the media for various comments she has made. One of the more publicized of these comments concerns the "Bush Doctrine." From Palin's comments, the media hinted that Palin is not ready to be elected to office.

So maybe these events that took place might not have been the best of things to happen for McCain and Palin, but they got a lot of coverage, nonetheless. In one of my prior blogs, I wrote about Palin's $150,000 wardrobe, which received a lot of attention from the media, when certainly, there are more important things happening with election day looming nearer.

However, Obama has said some things that weren't the brightest either, but did they receive very much coverage? I opt to think not. His "57 states" comment was not not widely publicized to my knowledge. This comment to me is one of the more obvious mistakes compared to not appearing for a show. But which one got more coverage?

Also, what do we know about Biden? I know I don't know much about him. The articles I have read have all been about Obama, McCain, and Palin.

Is this fair coverage? Is the media trying to sway the public to vote for Obama?

While we may never have a sure answer of this, the media has covered the election in a way I think will sway most voters towards Obama and Biden.

1 comment:

Tamarra said...

Maybe this is doomsday, but I realy feel that the media is responsible for putting up the less-than-adequate candidates every year. We're a democracy and yet we elect individuals we don't like because they're the lesser of two evils. We certainly don't lack the resources for a qualified president, so why the crappy candidates? I truly believe its the media, each biased news station ripping to shreds the other side's qualified candidates until both sides are left with the second string line-up.