Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Epiphany... Accompanied With Many Questions

The other day, I was exposing my brother to the wonderful world of Saturday Night Live.

For me, the humor I find in SNL has grown exponentially this semester as I have become more informed. I must admit, this is probably thanks to Comms 239 for making me read the paper every day.

Anway, as my brother and I were trying to find SNL spoofs on one of the presidential debates, we clicked on a link that wasn't quite what we were looking for; the link showed us clips from the actual second presidential debate, and contained some news reporters talking about the debate as well.

I am somewhat grieved to say that when we realized that we were watching "real news" we both said, "Oh," with heavy hearts, and wasted no time reembarking on our quest for these specific video clips.

I find it really sad that even though I am going into jounalism, that I don't really enjoy watching the news, but love SNL. I think people miss out on important information if they only watch SNL and not other news stations, but who are we kidding? We all know which out of the two are more entertaining.

Is it right for people to have this view? Is there anything that people are missing out on by choosing SNL over standard news programs? Should people already be well informed if they are going to watch SNL? Is SNL even legit for a news source?

(Oh, and if you were wondering, here is the clip we were looking for. It's way good.)


melinda said...

i loved the clip--hilarious! and i am definitely guilty of devoting more attention to SNL than "real news". it seems that a lot of us would rather be entertained than informed...which is dangerous, as you and i both know that, as funny as the SNL skits are, they aren't presenting the full truth as "real" news is supposed to.

Rebecca Lane said...

SNL is amazing and they are definitely a fun way to make fun of news, but they can't replace news. I think that if people would pay more attention to the real news stations and newspapers they would learn to enjoy SNL's skits even more. Without knowing about the news reported every day from serious, somewhat more dry, news stations, people will be able to understand and catch on to more of the jokes made on SNL.

Taylor & Natalie Barrett said...

SNL is very entertaining, and does bring some facts along with their show, but it only brings across news that they can poke at. People are missing many news stories that are very important.