Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Futuristic Journalism Arising Today

“'Information is now a public service as much as it’s a commodity,” he said. “It should be thought of the same way as education, health care. It’s one of the things you need to operate a civil society, and the market isn’t doing it very well.'”

This statement came from an article today in the New York Times. There is no doubt that the newspaper industry is declining.

Different web news organizations have developed recently, which receive no profit for their service. There has been some talk about using advertising revenue to pay these journalists, but it is doubtful whether money from advertising would be able to to support an entire news staff.

Web sites such as VoiceofSanDiego.org provide good, investigative journalism, and provide a peek as to what might happen to journalism in the future. Some other web sites similar to this have popped up in various big cities across the U.S., and more are expected to follow.

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