Friday, November 14, 2008

Journalists are responsible for their own fate. True? Or not?

I recently read an article about journalists who have lost their jobs, and the fate of jounalism.

This article states that "media futurist" Jeff Jarvis blames journalists for their own fates, and also "denies them the right to consider themselves victims".

This statement might have some truth to it, but quite honestly, it's a little harsh. No matter what caliber of a jounalist you are, staff cuts are still being made. There are still only so many spots in the job available to be occupied.

Yes, being good at what you do does increase your chances of keeping your job, but think about it. If all journalists were on the level as far as quality goes, many of those would still lose jobs because of the direction that the news business is headed. This notion has lead me to think that journalists who lose their jobs are not solely responsible for their fates. It is up to them to find another path to follow as far as work goes, but being cut from a newsroom staff is, unfortunately, not always unavoidable.

I do agree with Jarvis on one thing though; it is up to journalists to preserve journalism practices. I don't think journalism itself will be a problem to preserve.

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