Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tricky Business

Yesterday we talked in class (briefly) about people who provide false information for journalists. When is this ok to do? It is really difficult to say, and I have not had much experience dealing with this or evern heard very much on the subject. However, my gut instinct says that you probably can't point this out in print. I don't imagine it would be very good to call someone a liar in print.
I guess this would be where you do some digging and find out what the truth really is from other sourceS (plural, not just one), and use the ones that you know are truthful and fit together. In the process of digging, you might even find out that what you at first though was false is actually true. Digging is good! If you use sources that don't tell you the truth, it can come back to haunt you.

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