Saturday, September 27, 2008

Holy Cow!

I watched the "infamous interrogation" of Vice President George Bush and Dan Rather (that was referenced in class) on You Tube. Man! The only way I know to describe it is that it was crazy. Seriously; I was lauging while I was watching it becuase of how ridiculous it was. Both Bush and Rather were interrupting each other right and left throughout the interview. Rather was very persistent in talking about the "Iran-contra," and for me, it felt like he would just not give it up. He definitely did not appear very professional in the interview, and I think that he let his own emotions and biases hinder his performance in the interview. Ignoring if this information was indeed important for the public to know, it seemed to me that Rather sort of tricked Bush into being interviewed, becuase as said in the interview by Bush, Bush was supposed to have been speaking about his views on education.
I guess one thing I learned from this is how crucial it is to stay calm and in control when interviewing, even if you have differences with the person you are interviewing.

You should check it out:


maryjane said...

Wow, that is definitely a messy interview. I agree with you, it really makes Dan Rather appear very unprofessional. I actually had a hard time watching it after a while because of all the contention between the two of them. Definitely not good journalism.

melinda said...

I'm glad you found this and posted the video link! it definitely makes what we convered in class way more clear!